Beach-to-Beach Power Swim, St. John, USVI
Need a Caribbean vacation?
St. John is part of the US Virgin Islands. May 27th is the beach to beach power swim hosted by the Friends of the National Park. Three distances. the longest being 3.5 miles, i think. the swim takes place along the shore of the national park. very pretty...beach party following the race. Last year, we had rock star swimmer Jamie Patrick here with his lovely family. This year, the immersion crew will be in the house. And there is a category for assisted swimmers.
St. John is part of the US Virgin Islands. May 27th is the beach to beach power swim hosted by the Friends of the National Park. Three distances. the longest being 3.5 miles, i think. the swim takes place along the shore of the national park. very pretty...beach party following the race. Last year, we had rock star swimmer Jamie Patrick here with his lovely family. This year, the immersion crew will be in the house. And there is a category for assisted swimmers.
Any further comments about this swim, please add them to this thread so we don't have multiple threads about the same swim.
thanks evmo. i was trying to post the cool earth map video and was being a bit challenged. but hopefully, this is the correct address. thanks.