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Now Available! 2015 MSF Photo Calendar

evmoevmo Sydneydev
edited November 2016 in Admin Communications
The long-awaited MSF Photo Calendar is here!

Check out Mr. January @AnthonyMcCarley, Ms. April @ssthomas, and all the other Marathon Swimmer Pinups at the following link:

Calendars are available for purchase immediately, for $20 USD, via that same link.

This amount includes all tax, shipping, and fees. If we have anything left over after shipping everyone's calendars, 100% of the proceeds will go directly toward offsetting the operating costs of this website.

Thanks to all the Forum members who submitted images for this project!

@loneswimmer, you did all the work on this... want to say a few words about the process and selections?


  • loneswimmerloneswimmer IrelandCharter Member
    Mainly I wanted to thank everyone for their submissions.

    In the end we received more images that I wanted to use than we could actually feature.

    Once we get into the new year, we're planning to put together a gallery of the submitted images.

    I had a vague theme in mind before we began of wanting to reflect some of the other aspects of marathon swimming. While we did get some along these lines, and a couple made it to the final product, we didn't get enough to complete a full calender on it. Instead I tried to combine a geographical distribution with photographic and compositional quality. We did receive quite a few "arm over water" images and some events, such as MIMS & Ederle were heavily represented.

    I've also learned some things for next year (such as limiting the number of submissions per person!), so hopefully, if this is a success, it'll be a bit easier.

    Now get on that link and buy one for yourself, and one for yer mammy.

  • ssthomasssthomas DenverCharter Mem​ber
    Most excellent! I know what I'm getting everyone for Christmas! Thanks, Donal for doing this. I'm sure it was a ton of work.
  • KatieBunKatieBun CornwallSenior Member
    It's a really impressive piece of work. Many thanks. Mine is ordered. I'm very fond of the August photo. Zoe took that one handed, treading water with a cozzie full of pebbles, whilst looking after me on the swim back to Suva....and explaining to me that I hadn't been swimming for about 18 hours, even if it felt like it, as it was still light. Happy memories and huge thanks to a truly great member of my support crew.
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited November 2014
    We will feature a new 'month' in this thread every couple days or so. As you know, Mr. January is @AnthonyMcCarley, in a stunning image by Roger Taylor, who I think, according to the story, happened to be there at the Cap when Anthony finished. And then someone made the connection through 'Did you swim today?' ... or something like that?

    I can't recall seeing a more evocative image of marathon swimming.

  • AnthonyMcCarleyAnthonyMcCarley Berwyn, PACharter Member
    edited November 2014
    Roger is a professional photographer, and aspiring channel swimmer, from the UK. He spent his day traveling to France and tracking different swimmers - hoping to get photos of a swimmer finishing a channel swim. Lucky for me, he tracked me down. He took a bunch of photos of me stumbling to shore. I got shoved back onto the dingy before we were introduced. Roger posted this photo to DYST? and asked if anyone knew the swimmer. I had just met Dan Simonelli a month previously – he took an interest and had tracked my swim. Dan connected the dots… and me with Roger. Long story, but the camera we had with a strong zoom had died. I went to bed that night thinking that we didn’t have any good photos of the finish. The next morning I was completely blown away to receive an email from Dan (who I hadn’t spoken with since the day we met) with this photo in it. Imagine my joy. I have become good friends with both Roger and Dan. You gotta love people involved with marathon swimming.
    evmopavlicovIronMikeKatieBunssthomasslknightloneswimmerlakesprayj9swimgregocJBirrrd[Deleted User]iswimlongtimeMvGDanSimonelliSuirThing
  • AnthonyMcCarleyAnthonyMcCarley Berwyn, PACharter Member
    P.S. I have been asked privately, but others may be wondering... Those are empty GU packages in the side/back of my suit.
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited November 2014
    The February image was submitted by @Theo Schmeeckle, board member and prolific observer for the SBCSA. It shows a misty morning on the Santa Barbara Channel, with Oil Rig Gina at upper-left.

    It occurs to me now that Theo himself is in the water (at right).... Theo, who was the photographer?

  • TheoTheo Oxnard, CAMember
    Tamie Stewart was the photog. Stacey Warmuth is the other swimmer and Larry Pearson paddling
  • malinakamalinaka Seattle, WACharter Member
    edited November 2014
    Just ordered mine.

    Here's my nomination for the 2016 calendar theme:

    Pin ups and Pinnipeds

    I don't wear a wetsuit; it gives the ocean a sporting chance.

  • wendyv34wendyv34 Vashon, WASenior Member
    Well then....I hope we get the money shot with our favorite pinniped, Oscar, on Friday!

    It's always a bad hair day when you work at a pool.

  • IronMikeIronMike Northern VirginiaCharter Member
    @evmo, @loneswimmer, any estimates on delivery dates?

    We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams

  • loneswimmerloneswimmer IrelandCharter Member
    edited December 2014
    @IronMike, first order of calendars shipped to @evmo yesterday. So maybe a week, possibly a little longer for outside US. Obviously we weren't able to set up to ship direct from supplier to each of you all, so we'll be dispatching onwards. This means double shipping on our side. This was something that we couldn't factor exactly in the cost (postage, like everything else is usually more expensive in/to Europe and elsewhere) so we have our fingers crossed that it works out all round.

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited December 2014

    Our initial printing is nearly sold out. Judging by the rate of new orders, this may be the only printing. (Due to economies of scale in printing, we won't be ordering new print jobs below a certain threshold of units.)

    So, if you want to be sure to secure your calendar(s), I would advise ordering soon :)
  • DanSimonelliDanSimonelli San Diego CASenior Member
    P.S. I have been asked privately, but others may be wondering... Those are empty GU packages in the side/back of my suit.

    Forget the butt bulges...I'm still a little freaked out wondering what that unidentified flying thing is out over the water, just above your head and to the right of boat in the photo!!! ;-)
  • That was a Kite surfer Dan, and he was getting way too close to Anthony !! :)
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited December 2014

    Ted Erikson @SdogV, preparing for his daily dip at Promontory Point, Chicago. Photo by Louise LeBourgeois.

  • Ted in his Heldentenor pose.
    Thank you.
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    We ordered another print run. This one is very limited, so if you want a calendar, order soon!

    Thank you!
    Evan + Donal
  • ssthomasssthomas DenverCharter Mem​ber
    Evan and Donal- you two rock! :-)
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited December 2014
    Speaking of @ssthomas... here's April:


    Photo by @lakespray
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    May: Lake Willoughby, Vermont, via @Fil:


    We have five calendars left from the second (and final) printing.
  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited December 2014
    I got home early today so was able to pack quite a few, which will ship tomorrow assuming SF doesn't disappear into the sea from the winter storm. Many thanks to the person who ordered enough to fill a Priority Mail medium box :)


    Also, here is June: Grace van der Byl, on her way to winning MIMS 2014. Alongside husband Neil; photo by John Humenik.

  • andissandiss Senior Member
    I was just about to ask when you will ship, but above answered my question!! :D
  • lakespraylakespray Senior Member
    evmo wrote: »
    Many thanks to the person who ordered enough to fill a Priority Mail medium box :)
    @ssthomas ? ;-)

  • ssthomasssthomas DenverCharter Mem​ber
    @lakespray, I only ordered two, though I can't say what my mother did. And who knows what might have happened if my mother in law saw the link.... :-)
  • lakespraylakespray Senior Member
    My calendar's arrived yesterday. :)
  • KatieBunKatieBun CornwallSenior Member
    Mine arrived yesterday. Superb quality. Thanks for the work that went into the project.
  • IronMikeIronMike Northern VirginiaCharter Member
    Got mine yesterday, just in time for the New Year! Wish I had bought more. ;(

    We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited January 2015
    The Photo Calendar is sold out again (for the last time). Thanks to all for their support of MSF!

    If you ordered before December 14, you should have received your calendar by now. If you ordered December 14 or later, it's part of the second printing which should arrive in your mailbox by mid-January.

    If there were/are any problems with your order, please let me know ASAP.
  • DanSimonelliDanSimonelli San Diego CASenior Member
    I have an extra one for anyone who didn't get one.
    PM me.
  • j9swimj9swim CharlestonSenior Member

    Calendar April 2015

    Thanks to all the people who contribute to the 2015 Calendar. Every day i post my training yards hoping i make it around Manhattan this year

  • DeemaDeema Member

    That's what I'm using my calendar for as well!

  • wendyv34wendyv34 Vashon, WASenior Member

    Mine has all of my planned events on it. Dentist appointments go on a post it. Swimming only. :bz


    It's always a bad hair day when you work at a pool.

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