English Channel 2 person relay swim questions
Hi all. I am starting to plan a 2 person relay english channel swim and have a few questions.
- It appears that there are two options for the relay. 1 hour rotation or 2 hour rotation. Pros and cons?
- Not sure how to start preparing for these rotations. I guess I will need to actually swim for 1 or 2 hours and then rest for 1 or 2 hours, swim and rest. Any advice on how to best prepare for this type of swim?
- I am looking into finding a pilot, and I found one who is available for my preferred dates (early september 2014) and he also seems very capable and agreeable. However, I see that his boat has a very limited covered area. Is this an issue for such a swim? Any input in terms of pilot boat issues that I need to keep in mind will be very much appreciated.
Thank you for any orientation you can provide on the general topic of 2 person relay English Channel swim.
- It appears that there are two options for the relay. 1 hour rotation or 2 hour rotation. Pros and cons?
- Not sure how to start preparing for these rotations. I guess I will need to actually swim for 1 or 2 hours and then rest for 1 or 2 hours, swim and rest. Any advice on how to best prepare for this type of swim?
- I am looking into finding a pilot, and I found one who is available for my preferred dates (early september 2014) and he also seems very capable and agreeable. However, I see that his boat has a very limited covered area. Is this an issue for such a swim? Any input in terms of pilot boat issues that I need to keep in mind will be very much appreciated.
Thank you for any orientation you can provide on the general topic of 2 person relay English Channel swim.
As far as I know, 2-person relays are quite rare. However, I do know a pair who did one in 2011. I will ask them if they have any advice for you...
http://fermoyfish.com – Owen O'Keefe (Fermoy, Ireland)
I'm doing a 3 person relay in 2013. We have agreed to do 2 hour rotation - this gives us time to eat, get dressed, warm up again and hopefully have a rest in between swims.
I can't imagine doing a 2 person relay on hourly rotations, I think I would prefer a solo to that (although it wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy!) It must be really difficult to repeat the process of climbing out, getting changed, warming up, eating, resting and changed ready to go back in again all in the space of an hour. But the 2 ladies (Justine and Kate) did this in 2011 so it definitely is achievable.
Re the pilot - if your pilot is an official CSA or CS&PF pilot then his boat will cover the range required for the swim.
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