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Henley Bridge to Bridge

sharkbaitzasharkbaitza LondonMember
edited March 2014 in Beginner Questions
Has anyone one here done this swim? I was thinking having a go this year but it is just over double my previous longest swim. I haven't done any significant training this year. Do you think 5 months is enough time to start from 'scratch' and get up to this distance?


  • IMO I think that yes you will be fine to do it as long as your not expecting a very fast time I base this on my own experience of my fist 10k back in 2003/4 at the time I was only swimming intermitently and then signed up around 5 months before the event and started a training a bit more consistenly roughly 3-4 times a week sessions of 3000-4000mtrs I think my longest training swim was a one off 6k about three weeks before.
    I finished OK only ill effects being some muscle soreness in the shoulders and a very stiff neck for a few days.
    Good luck if you go ahead, I was hoping to do this one myself but the date is the middle of a family holiday
  • sharkbaitzasharkbaitza LondonMember
    I sent an email to the organisers asking why the extra money if you are swimming in a pod. This was the answer : 'There will be an additional kayaker in each of these pods, whose main focus will be to support/keep an eye on the skin swimmers.'

    [Deleted User]
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