Can you describe Marathon Swimming in one sentence? Do not read other posts before you post your sentence. Try not to be influences by others. The reason why I am posting this is because I was asked this question in an interview this morning. Try an make it a proper sentence. Hehe - Peace
Marathon swimming is the apex of human exploration - surviving the adventure takes dedication, perseverance and the ability to be thrust unwaveringly into the unknown.
I think you'll find a lot of us manage to do it without balls.
I quite like the spirit of @swimmer25k 's sentence, so does anyone have a handy gender neutral substitute for "balls"? "Moxie" matches some aspects but it seems a bit weak to me. Though in this context "courage" or "bravado" might work acceptably.
Being Jewish, I'd suggest Yiddish terms. You might use "chutzpah". However, although there is an intersection of the two words' meanings, it doesn't quite cover the same territory as the original word. "Kishka" means "guts" or "intestines, both in a literal and figurative sense. "mut" (pronounced "moot") is courage. I think the literal translation of "balls", which would draw the same objection, is "beytse."
“Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” - Oscar Wilde
"Marathon swimming is going as far as you can, until everything is hurting and your arms are falling off and you scream for everything to just stop already--then swimming one more mile."
"Marathon swimming: for people who really want to eat what they want and still lose weight!"
"Caution: in open water, objects are further than they appear." (That last one doesn't really count.)
Ok, it's a little bit divergent from other posts here, and it's 2 sentences, not one, but I'm so excited, I just had to post this:
Marathon swimming is the joy of gathering the afternoon's post to find a small packet has traveled all the way from Ireland with a special type of jelly Dino candy tucked inside just for you. It's from a fellow swimmer you've not had the pleasure of meeting in person yet but have struck up an online friendship with, and that's one of the greatest parts of this whacky, solitary sport-- the amazing people.
Marathon swimming is the joy of gathering the afternoon's post to find a small packet has traveled all the way from Ireland with a special type of jelly Dino candy tucked inside just for you. It's from a fellow swimmer you've not had the pleasure of meeting in person yet but have struck up an online friendship with, and that's one of the greatest parts of this whacky, solitary sport-- the amazing people
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.
“Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” - Oscar Wilde
...anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Swimming a long way in open water slowly, without stopping, for fun.
We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams
Here's the definition we use on the homepage:
To swim a long way, and for a long time,
in an open body of water,
according to standardized rules and conduct.
I tried to convince myself, but, orange flavour electrolyte, mixed with hot chocolate,
tastes nothing like Terry's Chocolate Orange ....
"I never met a shark I didn't like"
Keep moving forward.
I quite like the spirit of @swimmer25k 's sentence, so does anyone have a handy gender neutral substitute for "balls"? "Moxie" matches some aspects but it seems a bit weak to me. Though in this context "courage" or "bravado" might work acceptably.
Also Betty White: - open water adventures of a very ordinary swimmer
Metaphorically speaking.
But I take the spirit of the sentence. @dc_in_sf - how about "audaciousness" or "boldness" as alternatives?
Being Jewish, I'd suggest Yiddish terms. You might use "chutzpah". However, although there is an intersection of the two words' meanings, it doesn't quite cover the same territory as the original word. "Kishka" means "guts" or "intestines, both in a literal and figurative sense. "mut" (pronounced "moot") is courage. I think the literal translation of "balls", which would draw the same objection, is "beytse."
“Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” - Oscar Wilde
"Marathon swimming: for people who really want to eat what they want and still lose weight!"
"Caution: in open water, objects are further than they appear." (That last one doesn't really count.)
yeah...this is what I do while I'm swimming.
Marathon swimming is the joy of gathering the afternoon's post to find a small packet has traveled all the way from Ireland with a special type of jelly Dino candy tucked inside just for you. It's from a fellow swimmer you've not had the pleasure of meeting in person yet but have struck up an online friendship with, and that's one of the greatest parts of this whacky, solitary sport-- the amazing people.
Stop me if you've heard this one...
A grasshopper walks into a bar...
“Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” - Oscar Wilde