Post-Swim Shortness of Breath
Los Angeles, CAMember
I'm curious to know if anyone experiences shortness of breath (SOB) after a marathon swim. Specifically, the rest of the day having a difficult time taking a full inhalation or having trouble with stairs, lifting objects, etc. Never felt so out of shape in my life than after a long swim! Usually goes away after a good night's sleep though. Any thoughts?
@sharkbaitza - open water adventures of a very ordinary swimmer
Some friends urged me to go to the doctor after we shared a room for a 10K swim in Atlantic City many years back. They reported that while I was sleeping following the swim, my breathing was really odd. I had always been told my lungs were just fine, but I had a pretty severe asthma attack while they were prepping me for the diagnostic tests.
It seems like it is worth getting it checked again. The problems you're having with stairs and lifting sound all too familiar.
I bumped into this article, searching for something else and I don't see the "conclusion".
Personally, after all my prev 8hrs+ swims open water and not taking water, I had this strange - for normal days breathing, when i feel like not being able to have deep breathing (short breath) as if I have a limited lung capacity. It lasts about 24 hours: the night after the swim and first part of the next day.
I considered natural given the effort in the swims and type of breathing during swims.
but as there weren't many reactions with "metoo", on this post, I wonder now if this happens only to few or this is natural for post long ows?
And this applies to heart bpm also which seems very small in that following day and not willing to increase that much.
I did not have them post 4-6 hours triathlon or running efforts, maybe because of a dif type of breathing involved.
I've experienced this. I believe it was related to muscle fatigue of the intercostals, due to breathing against the water pressure over a long period of time. I've experienced a slight amount of it after racing hard for 5K, but I really noticed it the first time I swam longer than 7 hours. I also have asthma, but it didn't feel the same as a restricted airway, more like what I termed "bellows fatigue."
It's always a bad hair day when you work at a pool.