George Thornton, 73, is a GO for the English Channel!
DenverCharter Member
George just got the word from his boat captain, Eddie Spelling of the Anastasia, that he is a go for his chance to become the oldest person to swim the English Channel. George meets the boat crew at 6:15 am, England time, and hopes to start swimming by 7:30 am. That's about 12:30 am really early Wednesday morning here in Denver.
Here is his son's blog: The blog outlines George's misadventures last summer, when the weather blew him out, and his journey this year so far. Good reading.
Eddie does a great job of sending updates via his Facebook Page, Anastasia Channel Boat, so be sure to "Like" the page if you want updates.
George is looking at a 17-24 hour swim and could use as much support as we can muster. His crew should have access to phones/internet during the swim, so any words of support can be relayed to his crew. Let's get the good vibes going for him! This is history, people.
Here is his son's blog: The blog outlines George's misadventures last summer, when the weather blew him out, and his journey this year so far. Good reading.
Eddie does a great job of sending updates via his Facebook Page, Anastasia Channel Boat, so be sure to "Like" the page if you want updates.
George is looking at a 17-24 hour swim and could use as much support as we can muster. His crew should have access to phones/internet during the swim, so any words of support can be relayed to his crew. Let's get the good vibes going for him! This is history, people.
The race started out in 1999 with just a handful of participants when a 10K open water swim was unheard of these parts. Now 14 years later it's the premier event in the region, it was the USMS National Championship in 2006 and continues to attract national and international entrants.
I know of at least seven other swimmers that the Horsetooth swim was the addictive candy that led to there own EC crossing including Sarah Thomas and Craig Lenning.
Swim strong George!
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“Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” - Oscar Wilde
AnastasiaSwim: 1/2 mile to the separation zone, George is making jokes and looking well, on our 9th hour into the swim
Go George!
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