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Any Open Water Swimmers in Orange County, CA

calypsocalypso Member
edited June 2013 in Locations & Networking
Hi! Relatively new to OW swimming. It's really a happenstance thing for me as I accidentally dove into ocean swimming when I was trying to escape the pool chlorine. Self-taught, YouTube is my Masters training program. Not a super swimmer, I can somehow hold some distance compared to the mere walking mortals of this earth. However, I am veeeery slow to say the least. My max ocean open swim is a 2K so far, swum in 70mn in a relatively quiet location-- I now swim regularly at CDM beach. I have been swimming 4 to 6 times a week for the last 12 months. I thought I was doing ok until I stumbled upon this forum. I discovered random comments of beginning marathon swimmers whose starting performance were 10K swims. Gasp! If that's the beginning, oh dear, my 2k is indeed insignificant. Anyway, I entertain the dream of becoming a 5 mile swimmer some day. So if you don't mind training with a slower, really rookie OW swimmer, msg me as I'd be happy to swimalize with local OW swim fans.


  • IronMikeIronMike Northern VirginiaCharter Member
    Keep reading these forums, you'll learn a lot.

    I started in 2010 with a 2K swim. A year later I did my first 10K. I trained in a 15m length pool. :(

    Speed doesn't really matter in most swims, as long as there isn't a cut-off. You'll get faster with practice, especially navigation. Unless you had a gps on you for your 2K 70min swim, you cant' be sure you did only 2K. With the vagaries of current and waves, you could have swum 2.2 or more kilometers. So if you look at it that way, your 70min is looking better, right?!

    For my money, I concentrate on time vs distance. I found that I can do the distance (so far...we'll see in July if this holds true) if my lower back holds out. So I work on time spent horizontal. If I'm swimming slow one day, I don't care as long as I swim for a long time. I'd rather swim for 2 or 3 hours than swim 6K or 9K and jump out of the pool.

    Marathon swimming is addictive. Soon you'll find yourself not even considering traveling to races for "only" a 10K. ;) And, you are blessed to have an OW location to swim in so often. Many do not.
    [Deleted User]

    We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    Hi @calypso, and welcome.

    There's a big lively group that swims at Oak Street in Laguna Beach. You may want to join them.!forum/ocopenwaterswims
  • calypsocalypso Member
    edited June 2013
    Thank you, Evan @evmo! I actually know them. They're an awesome group. I joined them twice and follow their discussion on google group. But they are too advanced for me right now. I slow them down.. Man, Howard is a swimming machine! I m working my way up to their speed however. In the meantime, if i cld swim with others at CDM, that d be awesome. Mostly tri swimmers going there, swimming short distances, fast.
  • calypsocalypso Member
    edited June 2013
    Thank you, @ironmike! I am totally thrilled to have found this forum which i will browse often for sure. I ll shoot for time per your advice, although knowing the distance is a big mental help for me as it builds my motivation. I am lucky indeed to have the ocean right there! I cannot begin to imagine swimming in a pool again. Although i might, as i am thinking of joining a masters group to help improve my speed/technique. Thanks,again!
  • SusanaSusana Member
    Hi Calypso
    I swim at CdM with a couple of other swimmers. We aren't very fast and are only just starting up for the summer with now warmer water temps. Usually swim Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Let me know if you are interested.
  • @Susana, this is great! what time do you typically go? Can't do Tuesday but I do go on some Saturdays depending on my work schedule. I have recently reached 4.2K, per garmin, which takes me 110mns to give you an idea of my speed. That's 5 loops at Big Corona. I typically go on Wed AM between 7-9AM, or Thursdays around 4PM (although with the summer's crowd, I can't park ez-ly), Fridays around 10AM or either SAT or SUN around 8AM. I am planning on doing the Pier to Pier race on July 13 and would like to swim the actual race distance before the race if possible. Don't have a partner(s) to do it with though.. PM or post here. Cheers!
  • Thanks, Niek! Since I last wrote this post, I have met Scott and a whole bunch of very neat ppl from the Oak Streeter group with whom I now swim regularly. I was able to hear about the pier discovery as Scott and other fellow swimmers went on their fun weekend escapades. Again, thanks for sharing :)
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