Swim at LA County Beaches? Get a permit.

Apparently LA County has instituted a regulation requiring a permit of group open water swims.
"Like other groups now using the beach, they’ll have to pay a $200 administrative fee, produce proof of liability insurance and reimburse the county for the cost—about $50 an hour, on average—of any extra lifeguards"
“We’ll issue them a flyer the first time we meet them, and tell them that if they’re conducting a business or an organized activity, they need a permit,” says Vivian Sanner, who is handling beach code enforcement at the department.
“If they say, ‘No, we’re just a bunch of friends,’ we’ll let it go the first time. But if we see them again, same time, same place, we won’t be as nice.”"
Now isn't that special. I have always hated swimming at beaches with lifeguards. :-)
"Like other groups now using the beach, they’ll have to pay a $200 administrative fee, produce proof of liability insurance and reimburse the county for the cost—about $50 an hour, on average—of any extra lifeguards"
“We’ll issue them a flyer the first time we meet them, and tell them that if they’re conducting a business or an organized activity, they need a permit,” says Vivian Sanner, who is handling beach code enforcement at the department.
“If they say, ‘No, we’re just a bunch of friends,’ we’ll let it go the first time. But if we see them again, same time, same place, we won’t be as nice.”"
Now isn't that special. I have always hated swimming at beaches with lifeguards. :-)
"When 30 people jump in the water for a swim at seven in the morning, it’s really important that lifeguards be there." [Except most of time when it's not]
"[E]ight code enforcement officers will be patrolling the beach this summer with an eye out for groups that appear to be organized." [Quick, everybody look disorganized!]
I get that this is actually an expansion of opportunity for some groups that were effectively barred before the change. But as an outsider, I still find it largely ridiculous.
Would someone who is more convincing than the Beach and Harbors spokeswoman please help me understand why this isn't as silly as it sounds?
I'm not very popular around here; but I've heard that I'm huge in Edinburgh!
"I never met a shark I didn't like"
When they fall on the sidewalks and get hurt, they can then sue the city for not requiring permits for organized runs.
Seriously, you LA people should get organized about this and protest. I do think it makes sense for the city to require permits of any group that's getting paid to put on organized swims. That's in keeping with the way most cities operate. But for informal groups of swimmers not to be allowed to use the public beach without a permit just because they're actually swimming instead of lounging and splashing about at the water's edge is absurd.
Bathers fined for swimming in closed beaches As its labor dispute with lifeguards boils, the city of Tel Aviv closed certain beaches - and fined swimmers.
Last year I watched in amazement as Lifeguards literally towed panicking swimmers out past the breakers, in some of the biggest surf I've ever seen at Venice. I get that they are trying to help people complete the swim........but its a whole lot harder to come in than to go out, and the whole thing is an accident waiting to happen.
Thats LA County for you.........
Ultimately though anyone who enters the water should do so with the understanding that they do so at their own risk. When you go for a run or a bike in the streets or in the mountains, you can get hit by a car, die of a heart attack, get bit by a rattlesnake, so on so forth, but they don't require permits to do that.
"I never met a shark I didn't like"
My god have they really worked their way down the "Most Citizen Complaints List" to the activities that result in a handful (that's 5 or less) complaints in a year. Do people just not complain in Denver? It must be they're all so laid back from smoking pot 24 hours a day. :-)