The Night Before The Main Event...
Wilmington, DEMember
Here's something I've never gotten before a marathon swim...a full night's (classified by minmally 6 hours) sleep before taking the impending plunge! This comes on the eve as two great friends are about to swim the Cook Strait and should theoretically be slumbering before their latest journey (GO DARREN @ForeverSwim and CRAIG!). Not sure if it's because I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve (or perhaps a kid in a candy store would be a more appropriate analogy), but I get so racked up with anticipation that I lack the full Zzzzs. Anyone have any suggestions on how to best get sleep before a marathon swim?!? Nyquil? Sleeping Pills? Heavy doses of alcohol?!?!
My understanding is that we compete on the sleep we get two nights before the big event. In other words, one night of sleep deficit is outclassed by the adrenaline of the swim. If nothing else, that understanding has kept me from worrying too much as I stare at the ceiling...
I lie down on hotel bed and put an episode of an old show on Netflix on the iPad and I am usually out within 15 minutes. As long as the pillows are decent, I seem to get a solid 5 or 6 hours sleep which does the trick for me.
I go to bed early most of the time so this isn’t that hard for me. I really try and focus on getting a good night sleep all week prior to a swim. It conditions me for falling asleep early that night. In the event I have trouble sleeping, I have at least had decent rest for the week prior.
I also try to limit caffeine on day prior to swim. It seems to make a difference for me. I can’t imagine alcohol can be that good for you before a big event. (Although it sure is a nice treat when you are finished)
I have never done a swim with a night start and imagine that would pose a problem for me.
We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams