Boston Light Swim 2013 - registration opens March 1
Charter Member
Registration for the 2013 Boston Light Swim opens in just 2 weeks on March 1st at 1:00pm.
This year’s swim race will take place on Saturday, August 10th at 9:00am. There is a lot of information on the BLS registration page and FAQ page.
This year’s swim race will take place on Saturday, August 10th at 9:00am. There is a lot of information on the BLS registration page and FAQ page.
Comments - open water adventures of a very ordinary swimmer - open water adventures of a very ordinary swimmer
Thanks @gregoc - my summer training program is going to be dedicated to speed and colder water temperatures (hurray for San Francisco bay), seems like this would be a good goal swim to work for. - open water adventures of a very ordinary swimmer
There is still a spot for one more relay team.