Level Water - Scam?

Most swimmers have heard of the charity "Level Water", they provide free 1 to 1 swimming lessons for disabled children. Of course this is great, and they have their fundraising skills down to a tee. In 2023, they had an income of £1,045,437, which they seem to get mostly my operating events and offering discounted charity tickets if you raise money for them. This is a really attractive offer, since a lot of swimmers are raising money anyways, so they may as well get a discounted ticket while they are at it. I raised money for them due to this reason when doing my Windermere swim.
I was curious about their financials, and was reading the latest financial report when I read:
One employee received emoluments of between £100,000 and £110,000 during the year.
Is this normal for a charity? It seems a ridiculously high wage to me. Is the money people are raising going towards propping up this guy's salary rather than towards actual lessons?
Maybe this is normal for a large charity who needs someone with significant managerial expertise?