Seeking kayaker feed bag recommendations for Catalina Channel swim
Las Vegas, NVMember
I'm swimming the Catalina Channel in late September, am required to have kayakers, and will get my feeds from the kayaker. I use a Husky feed bag from Home Depot for boat feeds. However, I think it's too big for my two kayakers to put in their kayak), plus it has an open top and isn't waterproof, so I'm concerned about my feeds getting ruined by saltwater.
I assume I should get a smaller feed bag that is waterproof and zippered - right? What feed bag(s) do you use/recommend for kayaker feeds on channel swims? I'd like to get two smaller bags, one for each kayaker, and my crew support person can replenish the bags between kayaker legs.
I used a net bag. Yes, it did get wet but my feeds were in bottles, so it didn't matter. My kayaker had three bottled feeds, for three hours. When my kayakers swapped, they started again with a new bag. Worked like a dream.
I have to use a cooler option for my longer swims, to protect from heat.....I got a rolling cooler at Target that fits well inside the rear well of the kayak that I use for training swims.
But, my friend who paddles for me (and is a bad ass kayaker herself) uses boats that don't have those rear wells. Her boats are sleeker. So what we do for our hot swims is load one of her storage "bins" (apologies to the kayakers out there...I forget the official terms) with my bottles and several ice paks, the refreezable type. Since the bin is closed, and at the water line, they usually keep the bottles cool enough for the longer swims.
I agree with @Katie Bun, though, about event feeds. The kayaker will be transferring back and forth between you and the big boat, so they might only need to keep track of a few bottles, instead of all of them.
I also use a retractable dog leash for the paddler to throw to me. That way, it's easy for them to retrieve the bottle once I drop it.
I don't use solid food, either....only bottle-delivered feeds.
When I've been kayaking for friends, I think this is the best way. You can add not-too-big watertight recipients for solid food, also inside the net bag.
Ask your kayakers what suits them best: it gets difficult opening/closing bags, looking for specific things inside, even reaching for bags at your back when you are paddling while having to fight wind and waves, try not to bump on the swimmer, at night...
It also depends on the kayak layout (storage areas, width, lashing points) and kayakers preferences. For me, a small net bag between my legs works ok. I don't like at all storage areas behind my back (it's easy to lose balance when trying to reach there, and I don't like it when I have things out of sight). Also, anything which is not right between your knees should be tightened and lashed, which makes it difficult to handle (reach, unlash, untighten, put it on you knees, store again, lash again, tighten again). Practice recommended, but always think in the worst case scenario: waves, wind, darkness, numb fingers.
I just saw the federation's post on your Catalina swim and recognized your MSF username. Congratulations, what a night!