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Feeds for someone normally on low sodium diet

VswimVswim Nebraska New Member


In the spirit of making the forum a more active space, as was recently suggested, I thought I would post regarding a very specific issue I am trying to address, feeding for a long swim when your regular diet is very low in sodium. Some background:

I am 60 and have always enjoyed swimming, particularly open water, but have only started competing in open water races the past few years: Swim to the Moon 10k, Cornhusker State Games 10k, Big Shoukders 5K, and several others. I’m not the fastest, but usually not the slowest. Swam the 2.25 Middle distance Nationals in 1 hour as an example of my pace. I swim with a great Masters group in Lincoln, NE and put in roughly 20-25,000 yards a week on average.

My issue: I have Ménière’s Disease (an inner ear disease that can cause vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss, all of which I have experienced). My management for it is to maintain a very low sodium intake to lower any inflammation in the body.

As a result, I have been in a constant balancing act to know how much sodium to ingest in relationship to my swimming exertion to try to avoid cramping in my calves which has happened in both of my 10k swims in the final few miles. I am using a mineral compound, No More Cramps, immediately prior to swimming. That does offer some help. Unfortunately, my feeds in my most recent 10k were messed up because I thought what I was using for my feeds had trace minerals, and I later discovered that it was just pure carbohydrate, no minerals. So, that was my error.

I am now trying Perpetuem for my feeds. It was recommended to me by a local triathlete who had good outcomes with it.

I am now inclined to try to up my sodium intake in the 24 hours prior to racing (I am supposed to maintain a daily intake of less than 1500 mg). It is my understanding that the body sheds up to 1000mg per hour during exertion. So, I think I really need more of a sodium load if I’m going to able to complete an extended race.

My questions: Does anybody use Perpetuem? Do you have good outcomes? Does anyone else deal with this or a similar mineral imbalance issue? Are there any thoughts on other products that might specifically address sodium imbalance?

I have Big Shoulders 5K coming up in September. I’m not too worried about that one as the distance is short enough that my systems won’t get too drained. But, I am signed up for Swim the Suck in October and would really like to get a handle on this before that race. Muscularly I think I can handle it; it’s my body chemistry that concerns me.

Thanks for reading this long post! I really admire the folks on this forum, so many inspiring swimmers. I’ve only ever been a reader and not a poster, but I thought I would throw this out there. Thanks!



  • I know of several people who use Infinit nutrition.
    They are a customizeable product, that would allow you to dial in your specific needs.

    I've been using it since 2009 with great success.

    They also have nutritionists on staff who will have chats with you on the phone to help figure out the best way to meet your needs.

    If you'd like more information about them, DM me, I can give more details.

  • VswimVswim Nebraska New Member

    Thanks so much Sara! I have just reached out to them and I will see how it all progresses. Many thanks.

  • VswimVswim Nebraska New Member

    Thanks again for the referral Sara. I’m set up now with Infinit and should receiving my new feed formulas soon! Really appreciate your advice. Tim

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