IMSHOF Board of Directors Meeting - Long Beach - Sept 21
Most of this post is off-topic, so I'm creating a new thread.
From comments split from: Diana Nyad's Directional "Streamer".
Most of this post is off-topic, so I'm creating a new thread.
From comments split from: Diana Nyad's Directional "Streamer".
I hear you. I am sure my promotion will raise your ire in the future. I also took my lumps from many others who chastised me via fb messages and emails. It is humbling to be publicly slammed. But my interests and passion has always been to help promote and develop the sport. I am not like you all on this forum; I do not swim marathons; I only write about them. That is a huge difference.
But in reading the dozens of comments, I would like to add everyone's to the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame board of directors meeting and the general meeting minutes. Evan and Donal, is this legally possible?
Everyone is welcome to attend the 2012 International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame board of directors meeting and the general meeting that will be held on September 21 on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, California (USA).
Everyone is encouraged to listen in, participate and share their opinions and recommendations. Even if a swimmer or coach has not paid for the Global Open Water Swimming Conference, the Board of Directors and General Meeting will be open for free to interested parties.
The International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame Policy Manual requires that it conduct an annual informational and brainstorming meeting to educate membership and others of its programs and activities. The Board of Directors also provides a financial report together with a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year. Kevin Murphy is the president and there are literally hundreds of channel swims under the collective belts of the members of the board of directors.
This meeting will include the following agenda items:
1. Financial Status Report
2. Proposed 2013 Budget and Payment by PayPal
3. Fundraising Proposals
4. Nominations for the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame and International Swimming Hall of Fame Honourees and Certificate of Merit recipients
5. Status of Joe Grossman Publication
6. Special ISHOF Awards Ceremony
7. Record A Swim Program and World Records
There are a number of issues that will be discussed in regards to the Record A Swim Program as it is currently managed by the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame:
A. How and why to record a swim. Currently, the IMSHOF only records the effort. It does not make any value judgement to include or not include a swim on the list.
B. Definition of a record swim
C. Standards used to verify a swim: who, what, where, when and how.
D. Definition of a marathon swim
E. Swims that fall within and outside established jurisdictions or governing bodies
F. Rules and expectations for use of breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly in marathon swims
G. Roles and responsibilities of Observers
H. The Honour System for swims outside established governing bodies I. World record swims require official observers
J. The Future of the IMSHOF and the sport of marathon swimming
K. Items from the floor
IMSHOF Board members Dr. Marcy MacDonald (USA), Michael Read MBE (UK), Shelley Taylor-Smith, Dale Petranech (USA), Steven Munatones (USA), Skip Storch (USA), Penny Dean (USA), John York (USA) and others are scheduled to attend this meeting.
For those who do not know the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame was established over 50 years ago and has received the input of many luminaries of the sport who served as board members, from Alison Streeter to Philip Rush.
While many individuals prefer to participate in conversations via online forums, it is also quite enjoyable to sit down with fellow marathon swimmers of dozens of years of experience (each) to clarify many issues of interest. Over the 50-year history of the IMSHOF, it has made numerous clarifications on matters small and large. Our conversations are civil and filled with passion and good cheer. I think you would enjoy it, especially as an attorney.
Steven Munatones
Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.
Is it ethical? Perhaps, if you asked permission from each person whose comment you wanted to add to the IMSHOF minutes. I wouldn't assume, without asking, that everyone would be OK with that.
But as Evan says, express permission must be given by individuals, no synopsizing or paraphrasing, everything must be given in context.
Further, I would add that this debacle has been bad for our sport and all swimmers should be concerned. And it must be set right.
I plan to write Kevin Murphy separately on this prior to the meeting.
Can you clarify on the Record A Swim program? Does it already exist or is it a proposal? If it exists how can ordinary swimmers access it? Will the discussions on it by the respected luminaries of our sport, be made public? (As far as I'm personally concerned, anything Kevin or Ali, Shelley etc agree is etched in stone).