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Worshipping the mornings of colorful sunrises and foggy starts

Today was .......................... just awesome.

Mirror start to the lake.

Fabulous sunrise

Mysterious fog

A bold hitchhiker

And, a restful end. (Gotta love those crocs that float as well as the tow buoy doing double duty as a pillow)



  • Oh, and the route looks like a chicken!

  • curlycurly Issaquah, WASenior Member

    First thing I thought when I saw the first couple of pictures is that this has to be one of those southern lakes near Georgia and sure enough...

    Nice pics. It looks extremely pleasant.

  • This paddler does a great job of getting pics on the fly.

    @curly said:
    First thing I thought when I saw the first couple of pictures is that this has to be one of those southern lakes near Georgia and sure enough...

    Nice pics. It looks extremely pleasant.

  • SwimUpStreamSwimUpStream Portland Oregon Member

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