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I cannot exhale from my nose

I am 77 years old. I have been unable to exhale from my nose for many years now.

I have had expert swimmers look at this and have yet to find a cure, Recently I attempted i do a flip turn and I was unable to do, so in come I came to experts.

I use a nose clip, That stopped any water entering my nose.

I use and have used 'no nose clip'. A few hours later I had my dinner and a rush of water from my by nose rushs forth and drowns my dinnner. There are times when I feel like exhaling from my nose, but so I have no control over it. I would love to breath from my nose.

I have been to a hospital they checked out my nose and say all in fine.

Any advice would be wonderful. I can't do flip turn in pool because it it.


  • I’m not a super expert or anything......


    Are you able to breathe of your mouth is closed (on land)?
    Are you able to blow your nose into a Kleenex or handkerchief?

    If so, you can exhale through your nose.

    It might just be that doing it underwater is tricky for you.

    I’d start by working on humming underwater while in standing depth water and just being slightly under flip turns yet. Keep your mouth closed while trying this.

    When that gets easy for you, I’d gradually move on to humming while swimming, then to adding flips. It might take some time, though, so be patient.

  • swimpapaswimswimpapaswim BangkokMember

    No it able to blew my nose. All my nose function in Involuntary. Thanks for 'humming advice, I will try that.

  • wendyv34wendyv34 Vashon, WASenior Member

    Exactly what @Sara_Wolf said! When I teach this skill to little kids, I have them breathe in through the mouth, close & cover the mouth with their hand, (so they remember to keep it closed), then duck underwater and hum. It helps them to be conscious of separating nose/mouth breathing, because it's probably something they've never thought about. I tell them that nose bubbles are the secret to swimming. :)

    It's always a bad hair day when you work at a pool.

  • Thanks, Wendy......I used to teach swim lessons to toddlers too....that’s where I got the idea. Plus, singing.

    I always found that the biggest hurdle kids had to overcome was explosive breathing.... the difference between “unclogging” their noses when their mamas would hold a Kleenex and say now, blow”.... and the steady pressure needed to hum or blow nose bubbles.

  • curlycurly Issaquah, WASenior Member

    @wendyv34 said:
    Exactly what @Sara_Wolf said! When I teach this skill to little kids, I have them breathe in through the mouth, close & cover the mouth with their hand, (so they remember to keep it closed), then duck underwater and hum. It helps them to be conscious of separating nose/mouth breathing, because it's probably something they've never thought about. I tell them that nose bubbles are the secret to swimming. :)

    There was a lady who swam at our pool pretty regularly. She was a good swimmer and always impressed me by doing her regular 10x200 IM set. Anyway, one other thing that stood out is that you would always hear her humming on her exhale when she did a flip turn. Now I know why.

  • MLambyMLamby Senior Member

    I have pretty much always exhaled through my mouth, or kind of a nose/mouth combo. Not full open mouth, but kind of semi clenched teeth, partially open mouth through the back corners of my lips. Most of the air comes out of both my mouth and nose. I usually (once I'm in a good groove) only breath ever four to six strokes also. I can also only breathe to the right. I'm such a spazz!! :)

  • swimpapaswimswimpapaswim BangkokMember


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