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Locations for Open Water Swimming

FlowSwimmersFlowSwimmers Polson, MontanaMember
edited March 2019 in Resources

Just wondering if there are any resources that list open water swimming groups and/or locations? There are several that list events, but I am interested in training groups or swimming areas that are conducive for solo open water swimming.

I found a thread that listed iSwimToo (no longer exists) and a Google Docs map supported by several members on the MSF forum, but nothing beyond that.

#openwaterroadtrip #77VWBus



  • SpacemanspiffSpacemanspiff Dallas, TexasSenior Member

    I think this is a GREAT idea. I travel a lot for work and often look for area swimmin' holes.


    "Lights go out and I can't be saved
    Tides that I tried to swim against
    Have brought be down upon my knees
    Oh I beg, I beg and plead..."

  • IronMikeIronMike Northern VirginiaCharter Member

    I thought we already had this swim pod thing somewhere here on MSF?

    We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited March 2019

    At one point there was a Google map started by Donal, but it sort of withered on the vine and died due to lack of maintenance. Looks like he took it offline.

    Happy to support a new initiative if anyone wants to take the lead.

  • FlowSwimmersFlowSwimmers Polson, MontanaMember
    edited March 2019

    @evmo said:
    At one point there was a Google map started by Donal, but it sort of withered on the vine and died due to lack of maintenance. Looks like he took it offline.

    Happy to support a new initiative if anyone wants to take the lead.

    It makes sense that it is offline: According to the Google Map link, you needed to request permission to gain access. I tried that a few days ago and got no response.

    I'd be interested in working on this project. @evmo Do you happen to know who had the last iteration of the map and the underlying data (you mention Donal)? @loneswimmer seemed to be involved a few year ago, too.

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev

    Donal / @loneswimmer = same person.

    No idea the status of the former map.

    As I recall it was a bit of a mess because anyone could edit anyone else's entries, so inevitably someone came along and moved the South End Rowing Club to the Sahara Desert, etc, etc.

  • @evmo said:
    so inevitably someone came along and moved the South End Rowing Club to the Sahara Desert, etc, etc.

    The ocean is a desert with its life underground and a perfect disguise above...

  • miklcctmiklcct London, United KingdomMem​ber

    I believe that outdoor swimming society has a web site that does this.

  • FlowSwimmersFlowSwimmers Polson, MontanaMember

    Thanks, @miklcct! I just added my location on Flathead Lake in Montana, USA.

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