went "public" on Mon Mar 12th 10.30am GMT

I posted the announcement on my blog, Twitter and emailed the CS&PF Channel Chat group. Evan will follow up later. Everyone/anyone should feel free to share the info.
We're on Twitter at
We're on Twitter at
We're all just carbon, water, starlight, oxygen and dreams
Onward to Day 2!
Thanks to all who have helped make this such a vibrant community in the open water swimming world. It's been very rewarding to watch it grow.
Stop me if you've heard this one...
A grasshopper walks into a bar...
Thanks everyone for keeping the conversation going these past 5 years.
In an era when old-school independent discussion boards are dying off in droves due to Giant Social Media Corporations, we're still here, and we're still kicking (and swimming).
Some interesting new projects in the pipeline here at MSF, and you'll always hear it here first.
A slightly belated "happy anniversary" to our fellow Forum members - all 2,050 of you.
6 years!
Given that the Forum will never influence or benefit from a political election anywhere, ever, we (ahem) hope you will continue to find in this space a positive and intentionally topic-specific alternative to corporate social media.
Thank you for being here!
Thank you for this forum. I'm still in the sub ten mIle class of swimmers--much to learn! And this site offers a chance to do just that!
As part of a series of new developments in the MSF project, I'm happy to welcome @thelittlemerwookie to the Forum admin team.
Thank you, Caroline!
Thanks, @evmo! I'm happy to be able to help out around here!
Happy birthday to the Marathon Swimmers Forum! We launched 9 years ago today. 29,520 posts and 1,783 discussion threads later -- thanks to everyone for the conversations and ongoing support.
Thank you @evmo and founding members for all of your work on the federation, the rules and this forum!
Congratulations @evmo
Thanks - and it's important to mention Donal @loneswimmer, a co-equal founder, and especially all the Charter Members who signed up that first month and generated the initial momentum. Without them this project would have been dead within a year.
The Marathon Swimmers Forum launched 10 years ago today!
Happy anniversary, Evan! You and the MSF are a force for good in our sport and the forum is a mine of useful information and the source of much joyful celebration of achievements. Thank you for all your work.
Thanks for these kind words, @KatieBun. I'm so grateful you are a member of this community.
I'm grateful to be a member of this community!
Hey! Me too!