Swim Fort De Soto 10k+, St. Petersburg, FL

When: November 5, 2016
Race: 10k+ (6.5 miles)
Where: St. Petersburg, FL (Fort De Soto Park on Tierra Verde island)
Entries: 150 entries available
Details: This is a 10K+ (6.5 mile) open water swim race around three sides of the beautiful park and island chain of Fort De Soto. This is a point-to-point swim traversing both the bay and gulf waters. Each solo swimmer will have a pilot (kayak escort) to provide safety, navigation, and nutrition to the swimmer. Swimmers can enter as a solo swimmer, 2-person relay, or 3-person relay. Relay teams must take turns swimming and paddling, meaning that each person swims a portion of the race and paddles the kayak a portion of the race.
See our website for more information.
Here is a new course map for the race, and I wanted to share some pictures we've just taken at the park/venue. This is going to be a beautiful swim in a beautiful park in St. Petersburg, Florida. For more information, pictures, and to register, go to http://www.swimwithoutlimits.com/open-water-races.html.