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NEKOWSA 2016 Swim Schedule

FilFil Derby, VTCharter Member
edited September 2016 in Event Announcements

Kingdom Games and the Northeast Kingdom Open Water Swimming Association are pleased to announce the 2016 Schedule of Swims in northern Vermont and the Eastern Townships of Quebec. On line registration is now open at with one exception, the USMS National 10 Mile Championship registration, which will open later this year or early next year.

NEKOWSA – 2016 Swims

March 5th & 6th, 2016 – Memphremagog Winter Swimming Festival – 25, 50, 100, and 200 meter swims in a two lane 25 meter pool, cut in the ice out by The EastSide Restaurant, in Newport, Vermont.


June 18 and 25, 2015: Son of a Swim – 2, 4,and 6 mile swims in Lake Memphremagog. (Can be used as a qualifier for Kingdom Swim)(Cap of 10 on each swim)

July 30, 2015 – Eighth Annual Kingdom Swim – 15 mile, Border Buster, 10 mile, 6 mile, 3 mile, 1 mile swims for adults and youth, plus ¼ mile and 100 yard swims for youth. On Lake Memphremagog, Kingdom Swim 2016 will be the venue of the USMS National 10 Mile Championships as well asthe World 10 Mile Open Water Championship sanctioned by the World Open Water Swimming Association. Join us Friday evening before the swim for our Pirate Proemenade and a great pasta dinner under the tents. No Lanes-No Lines-No Limits!

August 5, 2016 – Sixth Annual Seymour Swim – 3.5 mile and 1.75 mile swimming only option but also part of Kingdom Triathlon. We figured, while we had the buoys up we might as well invite swimmers to join us in one of the most pristine lakes in The Americas.

9 Days –8 Lakes – 45 Miles – 4 Marathons
No Lanes – No Lines – No Buoys
August 13 through 21, 2015
Swim one day or up to all eight
with the option of shorter swims on each day
and, new this year, the option of doubling up on any day OR ALL 8!

August 13, 2016 – Crystal Swim – Swim to the cliffs, hang a right, swim to Moose Rock, cross the lake to the railroad tracks, head north back to Crystal State Beach. 5 miles +/- in a spring-fed marvel.

August 14, 2016 – Island Pond Swim – From the Public Dock, swim around the island, on to Brighton State Beach, run the sand and swim back 4 miles +/-

August 15, 2016 – Echo Lake Swim – Swim the perimeter once for 6 K or twice for 12 K. Echo Lake is the most pristine lake of the week, although Crystal, Caspian, Seymour, and Willoughby are right in the mix and Memphremagog and Massawippi are not far behind. Marathon Swim #1

August 16, 2016 – Lake Seymour – Enter at the state beach on Route 111, swim to Wolf’s Point, then on to the dam across the lake, back to Dave Anderson’s Boat House by One Mile Road and back to the beach. 6.2 miles +/- Marathon Swim #2

August 17, 2016– Lake Massawippi – Ayers Cliff, QC – Meet the Mayor and swim the length of the lake between Ayer’s Cliff and North Hatley (9 miles +/-) Or swim to Blueberry Point and return. Marathon Swim #3. Bring your passport

August 18 2016– Lake Memphremagog – From The Clubhous around Bell and Black Islands, to The Slash (the border) at Province Island, east for a mile right along the international border to Eagle Point, past Cove Island on your way back to The Clubhous (6.2 miles) Marathon Swim #4.

August 20, 2016 – Sixth Annual Willoughby Swim – A no-nonsense, 5 mile swim on one of the most majestic and pristine, glacially carved lakes in the Americas.

August 21, 2016 – Caspian Swim – 3 miles to Bathtub Rock and back or 1.5 miles to The Rock, Caspian is a hidden jewel. Just a great way to end a great week of open water swimming.

A Short YouTube on the Week


August 27, 2016 – Echo Lake Road Race & Swim – We are back at Echo for this stage triathlon with running in the morning, biking mid day, and a delicious 1 and 3 mile swim late in the afternoon. We fell in love with this lake, its surroundings, and its Lake Dwellers this summer. Very glad to spend some time running, biking and swimming it as summer winds down.


September 10, 2016 – In Search of Memphre VI – An epic 25 mile, cold water “expeditionary” swim the length of Lake Memphremagog between Newport, VT and Magog, QC. To search for our legendary and swimmer friendly lake creature – To promote a more open border with our Canadian friends and family members

October 8, 2016 – Georgeville or Bust – A 15 mile, international, cold water swim between Newport, VT and Georgeville, QC. Water temps guaranteed to be below 60 F or your money back. The search continues with this one.

October 30, 2016 – Vampire Swim – Newport — Warm Blood – Cold Water – Swim the Chillies. A 25 to 100 meter cold water swim as part of an international blood drive by open water swimmers. Grab the day. Do some good. Have some fun.

NEKOWSA is a division of Kingdom Games, Inc. which hosts a series of over 30 days of running, biking, swimming, triathlon, kayaking, pond hockey, speed skating and Nordic skating events.

Phil White, Director, Kingdom Games, Inc., 649 Sunset Acres, PO Box 310 Newport, VT 05855. Tel: 802-249-9100; or



  • ChrisgreeneChrisgreene Mercersburg PA/Atlanta, GAMember

    Are you looking for pilot volunteers? While looking for Lake George volunteers someone said they'd like to volunteer at the Kingdom Swims. Thanks

  • FilFil Derby, VTCharter Member

    Yes(, we are looking for boat pilots (with a boat is good, but without a boat may work as well) They can contact me at, And we are ALWAYS looking for kayakers.

  • See you July 30th for 10 miles!

  • I am thinking about adding this to my summer races (not sure if it will be 6 or 10 miles yet). I live outside Chicago, any suggestions on the best way to get to this area?

  • ViveBeneViveBene Member
    edited February 2016

    @Camille, I fly Southwest from Midway to Manchester, NH, then pick up a rental car. It's about 2 hours, direct flight. Amanda (@ChickenOSea) has made the trip more often and may have other suggestions.

    (Southwest is having a sale through 3/3, with flights under $100 one-way.)

  • FrancoFranco Chestertown, MDCharter Member

    And I would imagine @ViveBene would agree that it is beautiful two hour drive. It is almost worth flying into Manchester for that alone.

  • Thank you for the information :-)

  • ViveBeneViveBene Member
    edited March 2016

    It's a lovely drive, and I like the flight, too: on a clear day, one can follow the Great Lakes, then the Finger Lakes, then cross the Hudson ... excitement builds!

    As the drive takes one close to the Green Mntns, VT, and the White Mountains, NH, I usually follow up with a week of hiking. :)

  • ChickenOSeaChickenOSea Charter Member

    Camille, I usually go Southwest to Manchester. Because the Alamo guy knows me at 1am and gives me whatever car I want :)
    I go to Boston occasionally, depending on airfare and schedule. Montreal is closer, but it's always been cheaper to stay in the US. I've been stopped by border control a couple of times, which is kind of cool. Take your passport!! Canada is just a mile away. :)

  • evmoevmo Sydneydev
    edited July 2016

    The Kingdom Swim is tomorrow.

  • ChickenOSeaChickenOSea Charter Member

    Great swims. Beautiful day. Thanks Fil!

  • I'd welcome links to photos, recaps, and so forth, if someone wanted to post here (they often don't make it onto the Kingdom Games site, as Fil's hands are phul). Thanks!

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