61-year anniversary, then-longest marathon swim (Lake Ontario, 51km, 16 year old Marilyn Bell)
Charter Member
This is a wonderful recap of a truly amazing story that set our sport in motion.
Marilyn Bell continues to be an active cheerleader in the sport today. On a recent swim, I sent her hourly snapshots of my observer's log from my cell phone, and she took her laptop to bed to read them as they came in all night. :-) A truly wonderful and gracious lady.
I should also add that there's a movie: http://www.amazon.com/Heart-The-Marilyn-Bell-Story/dp/B0009A40Y8
The trailer really gives away the entire movie. Yeah, I tear up even watching the trailer. Yep. That's me.
To this day, Marilyn does not remember the end to her swim.
Thanks for sharing this--just bought the film... price too good to pass up!