help/advice needed to set up a swimmer "safety zone" in a river

Folks, I need some help here. I am working on establishing a swimmer "Safety Zone" along the downtown section of the Tennessee River in Chattanooga. I am submitting a proposal to the city and powers that be to create a swimmer safety area. It's crazy that there is not one safe place to swim here in the river unpiloted, even though we host Ironman, Swim the Suck, USMS championships, etc. We are asking for a 2.5 mile stretch along one shore of the river that has no boat docks at the moment. Swimmers would stay within 40 yards of the shore and if motor boats enter that area then they would know swimmers could be present.
I was wondering if you all could help me think of any cities that have set up a swimmer's easement or swim "safety area" or such along any river anywhere in this country. We can't call it a No Wake zone because that has already failed. We also call it a safety zone so that fisherman do not feel threatened. They can go there, but must exercise caution. The organization who could approve such a safety zone has requested that I provide them with a list of other cities that have already done what I am requesting to use an an example. They said SF's Aquatic Park and San Diego's La Jolla Cove are not good examples because they already have natural barriers. They want to see an example of a place in a river that has current I suppose.
- Chattanooga Open Water Swimmers (COWS)
I don't have any examples to help you, but as a fellow Tennessean (I'm in Nashville, I swam with you guys last year at the USMS event) I sat up straight and took notice when I first heard news stories floating the possibility and I'm definitely cheering you on!