Tita Llorens - First Swimmer to cross the Mallorca Channel (85 km)
A few hours ago, and after 28 hours and 11 minutes of swimming, Tita Llorens successfully swam 85 km across the Mallorca Channel between Mallorca and Ibiza. She is the first person to swim this channel. Her previous 2 attempts (2013 and 2014) had not succeeded. Respect.
Respect indeed. Great big huge congratulations!
So is this further than Chloe's swim? or was Chloe's in miles?
Chloe's swim was in both miles (77.3) and kilometers (124.4)
WOW!! Congrats to Tita!
Molly Nance, Lincoln, Nebraska
Thank you to Tita Llorens and team for submitting this remarkable achievement as an MSF Documented Swim. The published documentation is now available here:
Wow! Wild applause!!!! Magnificent!
Amazing! I hope she blogs about her experience and her insights so we can learn from her triumph!